Flights into the Night : Reminiscences of a World War Two, RAF Wellington Pilot – Occasion


As a young RAF pilot Anthony Leicester’s wartime service took him to Canada, the Middle East,ßIndia and Burma as well as Europe. He survived a midair collision in Canada, then, at nineteen, as the Captain of a Wellington II, lost an engine over the Atlas mountains during the African campaign …


As a young RAF pilot Anthony Leicester’s wartime service took him to Canada, the Middle East, India and Burma as well as Europe. He survived a midair collision in Canada, then, at nineteen, as the Captain of a Wellington II, lost an engine over the Atlas mountains during the African campaign and was faced with the agonizing choice of crash landing, bailing out or finding a safe airfield hundreds of miles away in the Sahara Desert. An illuminating insight into the experiences and emotions of wartime RAF service.

Ouvrage de L. Anthony Leicester.

Détails produit : livre broché, occasion très bon état – comme neuf, quelques photos NB, en anglais, ouvrage épuisé.