Ultimate Flying Wings of the Luftwaffe


When the Allies crossed the Rhine, Hitler decreed to go down fighting to the last man. A strange triangular bomber launched the ‘Nicht loschbares Feuer’ over London, destroying the city. Later, a black boomerang of sixty metres dropped two tons of anthrax over Washington and New York, making them inhabitable for fifty years. …

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When the Allies crossed the Rhine, Hitler decreed to go down fighting to the last man. A strange triangular bomber launched the ‘Nicht loschbares Feuer’ over London, destroying the city. Later, a black boomerang of sixty metres dropped two tons of anthrax over Washington and New York, making them inhabitable for fifty years.

Thankfully, the inextinguishable firebomb was a figment of H. G. Wells’ imagination.

However, the construction of the secret flying wings had commenced at the start of 1945. Indeed, one fighter took to the skies on its only test flight. If these radical fighters of the Luftwaffe had been pressed into service earlier, they may well have changed the outcome of the Second World War.

Profusely illustrated with technical drawings and fascinating data and information on the Luftwaffe’s most radical fighter and bomber projects, The Ultimate Flying Wings of the Luftwaffe chronicles these revolutionary designs. A fascinating book for the military historian, modellers and those interested in aviation, this shows how close Hitler may have come in winning the war.

Ouvrage de Justo Miranda .

Détails produit : livre relié, neuf, dispo sous 10-15 jours, grand format, en anglais, illustré, Plans 3-vues – photos NB, 9781781553725.


Poids 0.818 kg
Dimensions 18 × 26 cm
Date de parution




Nombre de pages

288 pages




Fonthill Media